
Can't Sell Your Property?

Can’t Sell Your Property? Here’s How To Create Attention

For Sale By Owner or Listing Agent (with hot property) Even in a good property market, it sometimes takes longer than expected to sell your property. Whether you're a property owner or a listing agent, this can be frustrating. Despite investing time and resources into advertising, the overwhelming volume of online listings can make your property feel invisible. Your listing might be getting lost in the...

Estate Agents In Malta

Choosing The Right Estate Agents In Malta

Finding the perfect property is an exciting challenge, but navigating the real estate market and choosing the right estate agents in Malta is crucial and overwhelming.In this blog, we'll uncover some tricks to help you find the ideal estate agent in Malta who will make your property search a smooth and successful experience.  Reputation of Estate Agents In Malta and the Licensed Agent Start your...

The price of property in Malta

The Price Of Property In Malta 1980 -2023

Malta, an Island just south of Sicily has always seen a rise in property prices. Records taken from the official NSO estimates show a steady rise in the price of property in Malta from 1980 to 2023. As an island with limited space, Malta has always had a unique challenge when it comes to housing its residents.Since 1980, that is, in the last 43 years, the price of property in Malta has increased by over 10...

Tax on rental income in Malta

Tax On Rental Income In Malta

If you are a landlord in Malta, it is essential to know your tax obligations when it comes to tax on rental income in Malta. Rental income is considered as a source of taxable income in Malta, and it is subject to tax with an option to pay a flat rate of 15% on the gross income or pay tax the traditional way by adding the net rental income to the rest of the annual income and calculate from there. This...

How to apply for a residence permit in Malta

Malta is a popular destination for expats looking to relocate to a country with a mild climate and a high quality of life.  If you wish to stay in Malta for more than 90 days, you will need to apply for a residence permit. The Maltese residence permit comes in the form of an e-Residence document, which functions as a form of identification.  Non- EU citizens especially need to follow the steps...

restrictions on foreign nationals owning property in Malta

Are there any restrictions on foreigners owning property in Malta?

To the question: Can any foreigner buy a property in Malta? The answer is yes. Are there any restrictions on foreigners owning property in Malta? For citizens of an EU country, there are no restrictions and therefore one can purchase and own multiple properties without needing any specific permit. Restrictions on foreign nationals owning property in Malta depends mainly on...

Taxes due when buying or selling property in Malta

What are the taxes due when buying or selling a property in Malta?

When buying or selling a property in Malta, both the buyer and the seller could be liable to pay some form of tax.You can be forgiven for being confused on what tax is due when buying or selling a property in Malta, and when it is paid, as the tax rates have changed a few times over the years. More recently many discounts and exemptions have also been granted to incentivize the selling and buying of...

Inflation on property prices in Malta

Will property prices in Malta keep on rising?

What is the Impact of rising inflation on Property prices in Malta? Inflation will affect property prices in Malta. The first half of 2022 witnessed a significant growth in inflation across most world economies; Malta was not immune to this inflation. Although government is subsidizing the cost of fuel and electricity (over one million euro daily is forked out by the public exchequer) to keep these daily...

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